It's no effort to scroll through the crumbs of comfort, connection left by profiles on platforms all searching for crumbs or be busy with the glimmer of matching and movement in a game thinly based on Harry Potter. Harder to sit with the feelings I don’t want to feel put down my phone and do something real. the real hard breathe in... real work don't want... real truth hold it... of just really being and release... alone.
For a good while I used to be pretty addicted to a Harry-Potter-inspired version of Candy Crush… and I’m not even the biggest Harry Potter fan but one of my kids was playing the game and I got sucked in.
I don’t play it anymore, but I find I always have some other game or show or habit that I can rely on to keep me safely distracted from the heaviness of fully experiencing myself, existing here and now.
And who’s to say distractions are a bad thing? Not me! Not all the time.
You have to pace yourself. Be real with yourself. Relax. Do what makes you happy.
If that means playing on your phone now and then, go for it.
Just maybe not all the time.
Not too much that you forget why you’re here. Or get scared to really be here.
Because there’s really just so much to get out of being here, when you can actually be here.
Alive, awake, and present.